Home » Mayor: Trump Needs To Pay In Advance Of His Rally On Saturday

Mayor: Trump Needs To Pay In Advance Of His Rally On Saturday

The Mayor of Erie, Pennsylvania, wants former President Donald Trump to pay in advance for his campaign rally on Saturday. Trump owes nearly $40,000 from the last time he held an event in Erie in 2018. Trump is notorious for stiffing contractors, venues, and attorneys, so this isn’t even surprising.

GoErie reports:

Erie Mayor Joe Schember’s administration will once again seek reimbursement from former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign for any taxpayer-funded, employee-related costs incurred as a result of Trump’s planned Saturday rally at Erie Insurance Arena.

“I think we have to try, and I feel like my team feels the same way,” Schember said. “We’re going to see whether we can get some payment from them in advance this time. It’s important to do this because we’re talking about taxpayer money being used to help make his visit more safe.”

The site reported that almost all of the fees were “related to overtime pay for city workers assigned to cover the event, including police officers.”

The twice-indicted (almost thrice) owes money to ten cities, including Mesa, Ariz., Erie, Pa., and Green Bay, and Wis. They have submitted a total of $841,219, with some of the invoices dating back to before his election in 2016, according to The Hill. Trump is so self-entitled that he thinks his mere presence is payment enough.

Good luck with that, Mayor.
