Home » James Comer Forgot Who The Enemy Is In Ukraine

James Comer Forgot Who The Enemy Is In Ukraine

While disparaging President Biden and his family, Republican Chairman James Comer told the Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo that Ukraine is a United States adversary.

Comer was on to hyperventilate and perpetuate his many unproven claims of Biden corruption without a shred of evidence because he can’t obtain actual proof, because there is no corruption.

“The Biden lawyers, the Biden legal team, they’re intimidating every bank,” he whined. “They’re intimidating every witness that we have.”

That’s why so many whistleblowers have vanished, or been exposed as frauds.

Then, Comer claimed then-Vice President Biden was paid off by a host of other countries.

Now we’re focused on Ukraine. We’re focused on Russia. We’re focused on a few new countries that I don’t think anybody knew about that we’re starting to realize that they were receiving money from.

All these countries are adversaries of the United States. All these countries are countries that have reputations for corruption. But yet the Bidens were sitting there with their hand out.

Ukraine was an adversary to Donald Trump because they refused to participate in U.S. election fraud by giving Rudy Giuliani damaging information against Hunter Biden and his father.

Since President Zelenskyy did not participate in that treasonous charade, it ultimately led to the first Trump impeachment.

Most of this country and the world have rushed to Ukraine’s aid against a murderous and unhinged Russia.

Comer is not doing the state of Kentucky any favors since he almost always sticks his foot in his mouth. If he can’t even identify the real adversary, he’s too dumb to serve in Congress.
