Home » Dem Rep’s Take On Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hunter Biden Nudes Stunt Is Crude Perfection

Dem Rep’s Take On Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Hunter Biden Nudes Stunt Is Crude Perfection

“Today’s hearing is like most of the majority’s investigations and hearings, a lot of allegations, zero proof, no receipts, but apparently some dick pics,” Garcia sniped.

“Now, at a certain point, the American people need some actual evidence. Actual evidence, but we’ve seen absolutely none,” Garcia said.

Garcia, the former mayor of Long Beach, California, thanked the investigators for doing their job but reminded them and the chamber that a Donald Trump-appointed prosecutor also did his job in recommending the charges to pursue.

Hunter Biden reportedly agreed to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax offenses without jail time in a plea deal.

In the meantime, the Oversight Committee’s efforts to corral President Joe Biden into Hunter Biden’s questionable business deals have floundered.
