Home » New Ukrainian Attack On Crimea Bridge Brings Massive Damage

New Ukrainian Attack On Crimea Bridge Brings Massive Damage

The Kerch bridge leading to Crimea was just attacked again, leaving miles of cars trying to get out of the area. Russia hasn’t many ways to reinforce its troops in Crimea in the southern Kherson region. The Kerch Bridge was considered impenetrable, but that rumor came from Moscow. Within a year, the key bridge has been attacked twice. Now, Russians are fleeing the illegally annexed area.

According to reports, two strikes were reportedly carried out around 3 a.m.

CNN reports:

A Ukrainian security official has claimed Kyiv’s responsibility for an attack on the bridge linking the annexed Crimean peninsula to the Russian mainland – a vital supply line for Russia’s war effort in Ukraine and a personal project for President Vladimir Putin.

The nearly 12-mile crossing, also known as the Kerch Bridge, is the longest in Europe and holds huge strategic and symbolic importance for Moscow. Monday’s attack on the bridge was the second since Russia launched its invasion of Ukraine after a fuel tanker exploded while crossing it in October.

A source in Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) told CNN this attack was a joint operation of the SBU and Ukraine’s naval forces. The source spoke on condition of anonymity because they had not received authorization to speak on the record.

Just yesterday, Putin said that Ukraine’s counteroffensive is “not succeeding.”

And now, it’s only a matter of time before Crimea is part of Ukraine again. As it should be.
