Home » Matt Gaetz: I Will Introduce National Prayer In School Law

Matt Gaetz: I Will Introduce National Prayer In School Law

MAGA creep and rabid Trump supporter Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz told the far-right religious Turning Point USA conference that he will introduce a bill which requires time be set aside for students to pray in public schools.

Acting like a preacher in a backwater tent revival, Gaetz played to his audience.

“For the limitations of man and God’s reach does not stop at the schoolhouse gates. In the coming days, I will introduce a national prayer in school law so that in every classroom in America, there will be time for students to pray if they choose,” Gaetz promised. “And you know what, this beautiful new Supreme Court that President Trump gave us just might uphold a constitutional law like that based on the values that this country was built on.”

Right wing evangelicals are going full bore knowing they have a kangaroo Supreme Court in their grasp as they try to turn this country into a theocracy.

Prayer has been banned from public schools for over sixty years.

By the way, students have plenty of time throughout their school day to take a few moments and pray any time they want without it being sanctioned via public schools, wingnuts or the Supreme Court.

This is another ridiculous ploy to force the majority in this country to be subservient to the minority that makes up the religious right.
