Home » Video Shows Cops Displayed Mock Tombstone Of Teen They Killed

Video Shows Cops Displayed Mock Tombstone Of Teen They Killed

“The inappropriate items were located in the East Precinct break room. An attorney discovered them in 2021 body camera footage while working on a separate lawsuit.”

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Source: King5.com

SEATTLE — The Seattle Office of Police Accountability is investigating after body camera footage revealed what the department admitted were inappropriate items displayed in the Seattle Police Department’s (SPD) East Precinct breakroom.

Braden Pence, an attorney for MacDonald, Hoague, and Bayless released the body camera footage that was discovered while working on a separate graffiti lawsuit. Pence said they released the footage, first through the Seattle Times, because the people of Seattle have the right to know about their police department.

The body camera footage from Jan. 1, 2021, showed officers responding to a call and on the wall, a “Trump 2020” flag was on display.

As officers are leaving the room, the body camera catches a mock gray tombstone above the microwave with the name Demarius Butts, a 19-year-old who was shot and killed by Seattle police.

The Seattle Police Department released a statement, part of which read:

“While we do not know the origin or intent behind items observed in the East Precinct Bicycle Repair Room, there is no question that they are inappropriate and have no place in a City facility.”

Ironically, the video also showed a protester’s sign saying “Stop killing us.” The East Precinct was at the center of protests following George Floyd’s murder in 2020.

So it goes.
