Home » Was Beloved Doc Devon Hoover Really Killed by Someone He Knew?

Was Beloved Doc Devon Hoover Really Killed by Someone He Knew?

Detroit neurosurgeon . “Two months ago you brought unimaginable pain to our family when you chose the evil in your own heart over the life of Devon.”

 A photo of Devon Hoover eating Ice Cream and Popsicles with Jordan on a Trip.

Jordan (right in both) is eating ice cream/popsicles with Devon (left in both) on a trip together.

Courtesy of Jordan Medeiros

There is a combined reward of $22,500 for information that leads to an arrest in Hoover’s killing: $2,500 put up by authorities, and $20,000 raised by loved ones on GoFundMe.

Meanwhile, Clark chalked up police’s lack of updates to there not being enough confirmed information safe to release. She said police “cannot provide every detail” of their probe because it’d “compromise the investigation.”

“We have to make sure everything is correct before we come out and say something, and sometimes it takes a little bit longer than the public, or even the department, would like,” she said. “But we never withhold, we never have something and then just say ‘Oh, let’s just make the public wait while we just sit here.’”

While he’s critical of police’s comments about the supposedly “domestic” nature of the crime, Medeiros said he still supports their probe. He wished more money could’ve been raised to boost the reward, but said cops advised him that a growing reward amount might cause someone to hold out on speaking in hopes they’d eventually get a bigger amount.

Instead, Medeiros and others who knew and loved Hooever, including thousands of people who joined a Facebook group called Justice for Dr. Devon Hoover, are left to agonize over the mystery, wait for answers, and reminisce on some of their favorite memories.

Medeiros said he has too many memories to list, but recalled that Hoover always made those around him smile—often unintentionally, like the time he accidentally used the bottom of his white linen button down as a napkin during a rib dinner in Mexico, not realizing the mess he’d made until he stood up to leave.

“There would always be these ridiculous scenarios he’d get himself in,” Medeiros said. “He was just so authentically himself.”
