Home » Snowflake Trump Whines Bret Baier Was ‘Nasty’

Snowflake Trump Whines Bret Baier Was ‘Nasty’

Donald Trump’s interview with Bret Baier was so damaging to his legal defense (because Baier told the truth) that he ran over to Newsmax to whine that Fox News was a hostile network.

Speaking with Newsmax host Eric Bolling, (formerly of Fox News until he was fired for sexual misconduct), the cockwombler declared he wouldn’t participate in any Republican debates.

And you have a hostile network like Fox.

Like when I did the, uh, Bret, the, uh, the interview with Bret, I thought it was fine.

I thought it was okay, but there was nothing friendly about it.

You know, it was nasty.

And I thought I did a good job.

I’ve been given credit for doing a good job, but I’ve also, people said, why would you do it?

Because it was really, you know, everything was like an unfriendly, it was always, everything was unfriendly.

No smiling.

No, uh, let’s have fun.

Let’s make America great again.

Everything was like a hit.

So, you know, you have a hostile network and you have people that are obviously, they’re candidates are against you and, uh, they therefore are being hostile.

And if you’re leading by 30, 40 or 50 points, what’s the purpose of really doing it?

Poor whiny ass titty-baby.

Who knew all interviewers are supposed to put on pom-poms and prance around saying “Make America Great,” while wearing a puke red hat during all Trump interviews?

Any question that might uncover one of his cavalcade of lies is offensive to the Tangerine Wankmaggot.

No wonder Putin loves him.
