Home » Kristi Noem Jumps On The Anti-Target Hate Horse

Kristi Noem Jumps On The Anti-Target Hate Horse

Target is going woke, as in pro-Black.

That’s the real problem for South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem and her ilk.

So she runs over to Fox and Friends and jumps on the bigot horse, describing Target as “being an anti-American threat to our freedoms and tearing down our values.”

Noem has been embroiled in her own scandal after she helped her daughter get a real estate appraiser license the ethics board said. Grifting for your family is acceptable behavior, I guess.

Noem also claimed the FBI planted documents at Mar-A-Lago so the Cheeto-faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon can’t run for office in 2024.

I’ll tell you, I’m like a lot of Americans, love to shop at Target.

I mean, we do, but we just can’t anymore.

And while the rest of the country is worried about, you know, having fun and going out and shopping and enjoying a store, that store is fundamentally tearing down this country.

And we have to have real conversations about how serious we are about protecting our freedom.

Inciting insurrections, trying to overthrow a duly elected government, and promoting white supremacy, Christian nationalism, homophobia, and a fascist dictatorship is fine for the South Dakota Governor.

Just don’t criticize Mount Rushmore. You know, the white monument on native land.

PS. Target’s efforts to promote non-white brands is clearly prompting this hysteria.
