Home » Dem Calls Out ‘Twilight Zone’ Debt Ceiling Nonsense

Dem Calls Out ‘Twilight Zone’ Debt Ceiling Nonsense

During yesterday’s debate on the debt ceiling, Rep. Joe Neguse made Republicans look like the absolute fools they are.

House Republicans have tried to pretend President Biden is the culprit in their malingering and refusal to produce an actual House budget (or do any job relevant to the US economy).

Rep. Neguse called them out correctly.

JOE NEGUSE (D-NY): Some of these phrases, sort of laying blame on the president, and describe… I think he used the word dithering and long delays.

I hope we can certainly disabuse the American public of any of these exaggerations and, in my view, falsehoods around the nature of the negotiations that have taken place.

The president put forward a budget months ago.

Mr. Chairman, Chairman Smith, do you know when the president submitted his budget to the United States Congress?

SMITH: I don’t remember, — but

NEGUSE: It was March 9th.

SMITH: It was late. It was due February 1st.

NEGUSE: Oh, I’m glad you noted that. Chairman Smith, when did the Republicans submit their budget?

SMITH: You would need to ask the budget chair.

NEGUSE: I would need to ask the budget chair. Well, Mr. Estes, when did the Republicans submit their budget? Only in the rules committee, by the way, could a witness lay blame on the president for being a few weeks late in submitting his budget, when his party hasn’t submitted a budget, period. I don’t know if I’m living in the Twilight Zone.

“I don’t remember” sounds like a Trump deposition.
