Home » Florida Republican’s homophobic slur elicits audible gasps

Florida Republican’s homophobic slur elicits audible gasps

Florida’s state legislature is currently debating a new culture war bill, SM 1382, designed to create the illusion that our country’s military needs to be fixed since allowing gays into the military.

The bill is framed as “a memorial to the Congress of the United States,” and assumes that our country’s Department of Defense is no longer interested in promoting its personnel based on merit. So while it is technically a bill, in practice it is a whining admonition which posits the myth that the U.S. military is made up of Black people, LGBTQ+ people, and brown people, stealing away white American soldiers’ jobs—or something.

On Monday, Republican state Rep. Jeff Holcomb gave a speech in support of the bill, first rambling inarticulately about how things used to be in the military before all that “woke” stuff, then saying that our military isn’t discriminatory because when the Taliban was murdering gay Afghanis, the United States military bombed them.

How does this prove anything? It doesn’t. But Holcomb saved the best for last, drawing gasps from Democratic lawmakers by saying, “Our terrorist enemies hate homosexuals more than we do.”


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