Home » Marjorie Taylor Greene Shocked To Learn There’s A Website Called ‘Pornhub’

Marjorie Taylor Greene Shocked To Learn There’s A Website Called ‘Pornhub’

Georgia QAnon Klan mom Marjorie Taylor Greene was the keynote speaker at the Putnam County Republican Party’s Saturday night dinner, where she admitted she recently discovered a website called Pornhub.

I kid you not.

Marge continued her obsession with Hunter Biden by addressing the Knights of Columbus crowd in Ottawa, OH.

“Here’s what I found out this week,” Rep. Greene said. “There’s this website you may or may not have heard about called Pornhub.”

“It is a disgusting porn website,” she said. “As a matter of fact it should be illegal. I can even, I don’t know why it even exists.”

She also claims Hunter uploaded videos of his escapades as well.

I’d place a large wager on the fact that most of the people attending the dinner have visited Pornhub, more than once.

Maybe she should ask a few of audience members all about it.
