Home » Ronny Jackson: Well, Alvin Bragg, You’re ‘FAT’! So There!

Ronny Jackson: Well, Alvin Bragg, You’re ‘FAT’! So There!

Texas Rep. Drunky McDrunkFace isn’t taking Trump’s arraignment very well. So, he called Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “FAT,” and I’m sure he’s all broke up about that. Of course, that was after he called Bragg “despicable” for doing his job.

He’s not coping very well.

The ‘lock her up’ crowd sure isn’t taking Trump’s arrest very well. They called for imprisoning Lumpy’s political opponent for years. Rep. Ronny Jackson has a terrible memory.

No, you pill-popping day-drinker. If he didn’t spend his time in office openly criming around, then we wouldn’t be at this point.

Speaking of ‘despicable,’ the Department of Defense inspector general in 2021 issued a scathing review of Jackson during his time serving as Trump’s White House physician, “concluding that he made “sexual and denigrating” comments about a female subordinate, violated the policy for drinking alcohol while on a presidential trip and took prescription-strength sleeping medication that prompted concerns from his colleagues about his ability to provide proper care.”

The law and order party isn’t very law and order-y lately. Maybe they need to self-reflect.
