Home » Scott Walker Advocates For Flagrant Suppression Of Young Voters

Scott Walker Advocates For Flagrant Suppression Of Young Voters

It’s a known fact that Republicans haven’t polled well with young voters for years. This has grown to the point that young voters have really carried the 2020 and 2022 elections. And there are millions of Generation Z voters coming of voting age just in time for 2024. And these future voters are pissed!! Things like overturning Roe vs Wade are not sitting well with them.

So how do Republicans want to deal with this looming problem? Why, voter suppression, of course! Just ask Scott Walker:

Somehow, I don’t think that Walker is proposing to lower the drinking age here. Although if they are old enough to fight and die for their country, they should be allowed to drink. But I digress.

Naturally, there is also enough hypocrisy and irony here to make one’s hair hurt.

First off, Walker is still the figurehead of Young Americans Foundation (YAF), a modern day, American version of Hitler’s Youth. He’s supposed to be brainwashing these young fascists to always vote Republican but now he’s telling them he has no faith in them. He’s leading this group like he led Wisconsin – right into the ground.

And speaking of Wisconsin, while he was governor, Walker had signed off on allowing children of any age to carry a gun around as long as they are “hunting.” This is the law that Killer Kyle Rittenhouse’s judge used to get him off the hook for murdering two people.

Somehow, I think I’d rather see all these young people with ballots instead of bullets.


January 2023