Home » Why Joe Biden’s Documents Are Not The Same As Trump’s

Why Joe Biden’s Documents Are Not The Same As Trump’s

GOPers are practically peeing their pants over the news that some documents from Biden’s years as Vice President were discovered in a locked storage room at the Penn Biden Center. Via CNN:

Attorney General Merrick Garland has asked the US attorney in Chicago to investigate the matter, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN, and congressional Republicans are also taking notice.

Biden’s lawyers say they found the government materials in November while closing out a Washington, DC-based office – the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement – that Biden used as part of his relationship with the University of Pennsylvania, where he was an honorary professor from 2017 to 2019.

Fewer than a dozen classified documents were found at Biden’s office, another source told CNN. It is unclear what the documents pertain to or why they were taken to Biden’s private office. Federal officeholders are required by law to relinquish official documents and classified records when their government service ends.

I don’t have to tell you, right? Except that this is also about documents, it’s not the same as what Trump did in Mar-A-Lago with classified documents. Rachel Maddow last night:

“As I said, tonight, a brief flurry of excitement on the right about this prospect when the news broke about the Penn Biden Center,” Maddow continued. “The reason it was only a brief flurry of excitement is because, in President Biden’s case, he and his lawyers appear to have actually done the right thing when it comes to these classified documents. Biden’s lawyers say they discovered these documents among his presidential papers on November 2nd. The White House counsel’s office notified the National Archives that same day about what had been found. The National Archives, apparently, did not even know these documents were missing and had not been seeking their return. The Archives took custody of that material the following morning. That appears to be it.”

Maddow explained that the “brief euphoria on the right” was that somehow it would exonerate Trump, but it was “already turning into a bit of a hangover because of the stark contrast of the actions of the current president and the former guy when it comes to classified material.”


January 2023