Home » C-SPAN Returns To Banal Government House Feeds

C-SPAN Returns To Banal Government House Feeds

Americans just got a front-row view of the shitshow that will be the next two years under the stewardship of the House Republicans. Without a Speaker, C-SPAN had allowed its cameras to show just what dysfunction looks like. Unless Republicans are insane (a distinct possibility), they’ll never allow unfettered access to cameras while their ShitShow is happening. That’s a pity.

Source: Huffington Post

C-SPAN has removed its own cameras from the House chamber after recording days of intrigue as Republicans scrambled to elect a speaker.

The network confirmed it had returned to its relatively banal feed of the House floor that relies on government-operated cameras that are largely stationary. That’s a disappointment for many Americans and journalists after C-SPAN was able to use its own feeds to capture lawmakers during the drama ― including a near-brawl ― in the chamber before Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was elected speaker last week.

C-SPAN is a nonprofit organization funded by cable and satellite TV networks and is often granted permission during special moments in government — like the speaker elections or the State of the Union address — to use its own cameras. Doing so allows producers to give a broader view of such proceedings, home in on notable people on the floor and get real-time reactions.

“We’re able to tell the story of what’s happening on the House floor,” Ben O’Connell, the director of editorial operations at C-SPAN, told Vice last week. “You’re able to see the migrating scrums of Congressmen on the House floor as they negotiate with each other. You’re able to see extraordinary conversations.”

“You’d never be able to see that with the standard House feed,” he added.

And with moments such as these.

Dutifully handled by @BadLipReading.


January 2023