Home » House Fight Proves Republicans Are Still On Trump’s Short Leash

House Fight Proves Republicans Are Still On Trump’s Short Leash

Joe Scarborough was bemused as he talked about the new House majority’s plan to go after the intel community.

“I mean, this is so extraordinarily dangerous,” he said.

“They’re going to actually, these people want to target America’s intel community. While we should be trying to target Chinese spies that are trying to infiltrate Washington, that are trying to infiltrate Silicon Valley, that are trying to infiltrate board rooms of our biggest corporations, our Russian spies. It’s just complete madness that it’s happening, and Michael Steele, again, you go back to the Cold War, and my God, I campaigned and most conservatives I know campaigned about the excesses of what we thought were the excesses of the Church commission. Having a committee that went after our intel community, and now, they’re going after the intel community not for past abuses, they’re going after the intel community because they dared to stand up to Donald Trump.”

(Mustn’t touch The Preciousss…)

And, during a very dangerous time, they want to cut the defense budget.

“So what you’re having play out today and going forward is the retributive politics that Donald Trump has declared, and that they under Kevin McCarthy’s leadership will implement. Going after our intel community, going after the FBI, going after, you know, the Department of Justice, investigation after investigation is their way of appeasing what Donald Trump, his hurt feelings or the slights…” Michael Steele said.

“Didn’t this already happen? Isn’t this what Barr did before he left? He put Durham in charge. Gave him all the power, all the power of the Department of Justice and said go out and find wrongdoing by the FBI. And all he did was strike out time and time again and made a fool of himself,” Scarborough said.

McCarthy is going to put the extremist agenda on the floor because it’s the only way he stays in the speakers seat, they agreed.

“Because all of those other things, if none of them happens, guess who’s standing up on the floor saying ‘I would like to propose a motion to vacate the chair.’ You know, Joe, you were in the room. but this is a very different room than the one you were in,” Steele said.

As they pointed out, most voters see the FBI and the Department of Justice as the good guys who protect Americans.


January 2023