Home » George Santos’ past is coming to haunt him, including these tweets about landlord ‘rights’

George Santos’ past is coming to haunt him, including these tweets about landlord ‘rights’

Campaign Action

Why is this so important? Well, it’s part of a mountain of evidence pointing to Santos being a … less than an honest person, to put it lightly. For example, Santos listed the address of the Elmhurst apartment as his residence when applying for campaign finance loans. He’s said he’s been openly gay for a decade but was married to a woman until 2019. He said he was “Jew-ish,” not Jewish. He claimed to work at two major firms that said they had no record of his employment. Even the schools he allegedly graduated from had no record of him. He was recently seen on the House floor without his wedding ring, stirring further rumors—the outlet says Santos didn’t respond to clarify if his husband was moving into his new place with him or not. 

New place? Yes. Or at least, that’s what Santos is saying. 

The Daily Beast reports that Santos texted the outlet saying he’s already moved into a new apartment in north Queens. He apparently considered his sister’s place to be temporary. The new place he’s living is allegedly within the district he represents.

Another thing? According to the outlet, the Republican’s sister was making political donations during the same period she allegedly wasn’t paying her rent—including to her brother’s campaign.

According to The New York Times, Santos faced eviction in both 2014 and 2017; in the first case, he agreed to leave the unit and pay any owed rent (it’s unknown if he did) and in the second, he overstayed his lease at the property and owed the landlord just over $2,000. 

By the way, here are his 2021 tweets about landlord rights.


The jokes write themselves, but when this person has a position of power within our nation and is supposed to do best by his constituents, it’s really not a laughing matter. 


January 2023