Home » ‘Stay Tuned’: Trump Responds To GOP Sh*tshow In The Trumpiest Way Possible

‘Stay Tuned’: Trump Responds To GOP Sh*tshow In The Trumpiest Way Possible

Former President Donald Trump endorsed Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House, but now we’re going into our third day for that battle, highlighting the dysfunction in the Republican party. No one thinks this embarrassing stunt with the 20 hardliners holding out is a good thing — except for the one-term president. Republicans just took over as the majority, and they can’t go to work because there isn’t a Speaker yet.

Donald took to Truth Social to weigh in, and I’m not sure how he sees this shitshow as good for our country.

“I have always supported Byron Donalds, have consistently Endorsed him for Congress and, in fact, feel that I was a primary reason he entered politics in the first place,” he said. “He is a young man with a great future! With that all being said, the story and statement that was just put out that I endorsed Byron for Speaker of the House is Fake and Fraudulent. He will have his day, and it will be a big one, but not now!”

A few hours later, Bloaty McBatshit had more to say on the subject.

“Very good things are happening behind the scenes for the Republican Party. Intense but Smart negotiations between GREAT and PATRIOTIC people are ongoing. They all love our Country, and want something to go forward, ASAP,” he continued. “This “event” will end up making the Republican Party STRONGER and more UNITED than ever before. OUR NATION IS AT STAKE. Stay tuned and, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Then, at about 1:30 a.m., Donald realized he hadn’t finished making his point.

“I actually think that a big Republican VICTORY today, after going through numerous Roll Calls that failed to produce a Speaker of the House, has made the position & process of getting to be Speaker BIGGER & MORE IMPORTANT than if it were done in the more traditional way, much like me again becoming President after having won big in 2016, gotten many Millions of MORE VOTES in 2020 but “supposedly” not winning (BIG LIE!), & then winning again in 2024,” he added in the longest sentence ever. “It will be BIGGER than the traditional way!”

No, just no. This is embarrassing, and the MAGA Republicans are literally fighting against the man that Trump endorsed. It was only a matter of time before they started eating their own, but do we have to watch this spectacle? Jesus.

Only Donald J. Trump would enjoy watching the dysfunction in the party he is still the leader of. Republicans are incapable of governing.


January 2023