Home » Hakeem Jeffries Refuses To Play The Media’s Game And Says House Democrats Won’t Save Republicans

Hakeem Jeffries Refuses To Play The Media’s Game And Says House Democrats Won’t Save Republicans

Incoming House Democratic Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) shot down the media idea that Democrats would rescue Republicans from their dysfunction.

Video of Jeffries:

Jeffries said to a question about whether Democrats would support a moderate Republican or compromise candidate for speaker, “We are looking for a willing partner to solve problems for the American people, not save the Republicans from their dysfunction. We need a partner in governance to build upon the incredible progress that we made for the American people over the last few years, by the way, with a similar majority.”

House Democratic leadership has sent the same message over and over again. They have zero interest in bailing House Republicans out of the mess that they have created for themselves.

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Could Democrats fix this in five minutes?

They definitely could.

Should they help Republicans out of this disaster?

Absolutely not.

If six House Republicans want to cross over and support Rep. Jeffries for speaker, they are more than welcome to do that.

Democrats are not going to give Republicans an out. At the time of publication of this article, Kevin McCarthy still does not have the necessary votes to be elected speaker.

The Republican dysfunction is the best campaign ad for House Democrats to take back the House majority than anything that an ad agency could come up with.

By insisting on fighting this out, Kevin McCarthy is setting up House Democrats to take back the majority in 2024.

Given all that is going right for Democrats, there is no way that they will step in and end this fiasco.


January 2023