Home » Trump’s Day Begins With His Taxes Made Public

Trump’s Day Begins With His Taxes Made Public

The House Ways and Means Committee fulfilled former President Donald Trump’s campaign pledge to release his tax returns, covering 2015 through 2020.

Unsurprisingly, his financial documents paint a picture of a very privileged man, who paid very little in taxes while the rest of us paid more.

The Washington Post reports:

The returns show that Trump paid little, if anything, in income taxes over six years including the four in which he served as president. They have also raised questions over the lengths he took to claim tax deductions on items that may not warrant it to evade paying taxes.

“A president is no ordinary taxpayer. They hold power and influence unlike any other American. And with great power comes even greater responsibility,” Rep. Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.), chairman of the committee, had said in a statement last week.

The weird part is that he vowed to release them, then his followers covered for him when he later refused to be transparent about his finances.

Trump — who broke with a decades-long tradition of presidential candidates and presidents by refusing to make his tax returns public — has for years falsely claimed that he could not release them while under “routine audit” by the IRS.

And, of course, there’s this:

Trump’s chief financial officer and his company were both convicted of tax crimes after investigators found that the CFO and another Trump Organization executive had received perks like luxury apartments and Mercedes Benzes while purposely concealing them from tax authorities.

You can take a look at them right here. How does it feel to know that you pay more in taxes than an alleged billionaire? I’m not crazy about this feeling.


December 2022