Home » Sen. Susan Collins Is Trying To Block Stricter Rules Protecting Endangered Whales

Sen. Susan Collins Is Trying To Block Stricter Rules Protecting Endangered Whales

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) is pushing for a provision in the massive government funding bill that could further endanger the already precarious North Atlantic right whale.

In July, a (D-Vt.) and House Appropriations Committee chair Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.).

Collins’ office called the proposed provision “a simple compromise” and slammed critics in the conservation community.

“It would allow for the continued sustainable management of the fishery while advancing innovative gear technology, which these groups have called for,” Collins’ spokesperson Christopher Knight said in an email.

Knight pointed out that there is no documented case of a right whale dying from becoming entangled in Maine lobster gear. In their Friday letter, however, environmentalists noted that “most entanglements are never detected or identified to a fishery because of the difficulties in spotting entangled whales and confirming the source of entangling gear.”

“Maine lobstermen have a 150-year history of sustainability, and Maine’s lobstering community has consistently demonstrated their commitment to protecting right whales,” Knight said. “If these groups are unwilling to agree to something so straightforward, it shows an utter disdain for the men and women who make their living from one of the best managed and sustainable fisheries on earth.”

A worker weighs a lobster to sort at The Lobster Co. in Arundel, Maine, on Jan. 24, 2022.
A worker weighs a lobster to sort at The Lobster Co. in Arundel, Maine, on Jan. 24, 2022.

Xinhua News Agency via Getty Images

Whether the lobster fishery is sustainable has become a topic of heated debate. In September, Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch, which ranks seafood sustainability, added the American and Canadian lobster catches to its “red list” of species to avoid due to the risk harvesting the crustaceans poses to right whales. And last month the London-based Marine Stewardship Council suspended its sustainability certificate for the Gulf of Maine lobster fishery, citing the July federal court ruling. In response to the assessments, several retailers, including Whole Foods, pulled the crustaceans from their shelves and menus.

“Entanglement in fishing gear is the leading cause of serious injury and death to North Atlantic right whales,” Seafood Watch wrote in its decision, adding that “current management measures do not go far enough to mitigate entanglement risks and promote recovery of the species.”

It remains to be seen if Collins’ 11th-hour provision ends up in the final omnibus package to fund the federal government in 2023, which is expected to total over $1.5 trillion. Jay Tilton, a spokesman for Leahy, said it is Appropriations Committee policy not to comment on omnibus negotiations until the bill text is public.

Connor Fagan, federal policy manager at ocean advocacy group Oceana, told HuffPost that if Congress signs off on Collins’ provision, it will “undermine our own government’s legacy of safeguarding vulnerable species and endorse putting politics ahead of science.”

“Halting development of necessary additional safeguards by our government agency established to protect our oceans and wildlife is the wrong move and denies established science,” he said via email. “Progress doesn’t happen at a standstill. By freezing federal regulations in place for the next decade, this dangerous proposal is short-sighted and will have catastrophic impacts to science-based management of the iconic, critically endangered North Atlantic right whale.”


December 2022