Home » Pelosi asks reporter to stop talking about Trump while she’s eating. It’s savage

Pelosi asks reporter to stop talking about Trump while she’s eating. It’s savage

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The quip came as the outgoing speaker, along with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, conducted a lunchtime interview with CNN’s Jamie Gangel. As the two munched away, Gangel followed a discussion of Jan. 6 with the topic of 2024.

“What would it mean if Donald Trump was reelected president ?” Gangel posited.

Schumer offered that he didn’t believe Trump would win again.

“The American people have gotten wise to him. It took a little while, but they did,” Schumer explained.

Pelosi, over a plate of dumplings, deadpanned, “I don’t think that we should talk about him while we’re eating.”

Schumer giggled as Pelosi turned to him with a chuckle. “Really?” she said, turning back to Gangel, “Another Trump presidency?” Brushing off the notion like a pesky fly.  

Gangel continued with the topic, telling Pelosi, “You called Donald Trump ‘insane.’”

Dropping the sarcasm, Pelosi said, “I think there is a need for an intervention there by his family or somebody. I don’t think he’s on the level, no.”

As for 2024 candidacies, Pelosi rejected the idea that President Joe Biden should “step aside” for a younger generation of leadership, as she has done in the House.

“I think that President Biden has done an excellent job,” Pelosi said, noting his vision, knowledge, and strategic thinking. “I hope that he does seek reelection—he’s been a great president.”

Schumer chimed in with, “Look at what he’s accomplished. … He’s done an excellent excellent job and, if he runs, I’m going to support him all the way.”

Well, that was an awesome way to finish out the 2022 election cycle! Co-hosts David Nir and David Beard revel in Raphael Warnock’s runoff victory on this week’s episode of The Downballot and take a deep dive into how it all came together. The Davids dig into the turnout shift between the first and second rounds of voting, what the demographic trends in the metro Atlanta area mean for Republicans, and why Democrats can trace their recent success in Georgia back to a race they lost: the famous Jon Ossoff special election in 2017.

We’re also joined by one of our very favorite people, Daily Kos Elections alum Matt Booker, who shares his thoughts on the midterms and tells us about his work these days as a pollster. Matt explains some of the key ways in which private polling differs from public data; how the client surveys he was privy to did not foretell a red wave; and the mechanics of how researchers put together focus groups. Matt also reminisces about his time at “DKE University” and how his experience with us prepared him for the broader world of politics.


December 2022