Home » As Trump’s poll numbers plummet, another right-wing rag ditches the ocher abomination

As Trump’s poll numbers plummet, another right-wing rag ditches the ocher abomination

Citing polling that shows Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis—who’s just as dedicated to insensate evil as Trump but somewhat less likely to tip his hand—now pulling ahead of Trump, Curl noted that most Republicans are ready to move on. Indeed, a USA Today poll released on Tuesday shows DeSantis with a gaudy 23-point lead over Trump among likely Republican primary voters.

Joseph Curl in The Washington Times:

Since he entered the race, Mr. Trump has acted like a candidate who really does not want the job (think former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani). Mr. Trump dined with the rapper Ye, formerly Kanye West — who later went on a lengthy antisemitic rant — and White supremacist Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago. He called for the suspension of the Constitution. And he lost several legal maneuvers over his possession of allegedly classified documents.

Mr. Trump’s star has been falling ever since his hand-picked candidates in swing states lost in the midterms — just two of his 14 candidates won. And now his major donors in 2016 are running away — that’s a huge problem for a self-declared billionaire who doesn’t like to spend his own money.

“Hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, the second-most prolific GOP donor of the midterms, said Tuesday that he would support Mr. DeSantis over Mr. Trump, pointing to the Florida governor’s dominant reelection victory in a state that was considered competitive until recently,” The Hill reported last week.

Even worse for Trump’s sugar-glass ego was this quote from Griffin: “I’d like to think that the Republican Party is ready to move on from somebody who has been for this party a three-time loser.”

Oh, he’s lost way more than three times, Ken. But, yeah, that’s basically right if you’re limiting yourself to singular political non-achievements.

We may actually be nearing Donald Trump’s last days as a political force, which would allow so many of us to finally breathe easy. And, of course, once he is fully out of our lives, we’ll, at last, be able to look back on this and laugh:

Ah, who are we kidding? That shit is funny as fuck any which way you slice it. Enjoy.

RELATED STORY: The entire internet is laughing at Trump’s ‘major’ announcement

Check out Aldous J. Pennyfarthing’s four-volume Trump-trashing compendium, including the finale, Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, at this link. Or, if you prefer a test drive, you can download the epilogue to Goodbye, Asshat for the low, low price of FREE.


December 2022