Home » ‘A Child’: Pelosi And Schumer Describe Dealing With Trump

‘A Child’: Pelosi And Schumer Describe Dealing With Trump

Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer did an interview with CNN’s Jamie Gangel over lunch at Hunan Dynasty. The two Democrats have been sharing meals at the Chinese restaurant for many years.

Schumer and Pelosi revealed what it was like having to deal with former President Donald Trump. They predicted that the one-term President would lose his third bid for the White House.

“The American people have gotten wise to him. Took a little while, but they did,” Schumer said.

“I don’t think we should talk about him while we’re eating,” Pelosi said of the ex-President.

They spoke of the January 6 attack on our Capitol, which got interesting.

Schumer explained that he asked acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen to put him on the phone with Trump – but Rosen refused to do it.

“He wouldn’t put him on,” Schumer said.

Gangel asked if Trump would not take their call, and Schumer said, “Right. Correct.”

“I think there is a need for an intervention there by his family or somebody,” Pelosi said. “You know. I don’t think he is on the level, no.”

“I think you see in some of the film [her daughter’s documentary] how firm Chuck was when we were calling the governors, the mayors, the secretary,” she continued. “And we were telling the secretary of the army, the attorney general. The secretary of the army was supposed — it’s really a tragedy that they did not send the national guard earlier.”

Schumer said that Pelosi easily dealt with Trump because “she raised five children, and she knew how to deal with children,” adding that “because he (Trump) ultimately was a child.”

Schumer mentioned that he has a flip phone. I wonder if he has an AOL email account, too.


December 2022