Home » We know the perfect candidate to primary Sinema. We just need to convince him to run

We know the perfect candidate to primary Sinema. We just need to convince him to run

Gallego is a Marine combat veteran and fearless progressive who has been relentless in exposing Sinema’s failures and blasting the filibuster. He’s represented the Phoenix area with skill and grace since 2015, and he’s exactly the sort of leader we’d be proud to have in the Senate.

Sinema is up for reelection in the coming election cycle, and polls have shown that Gallego would blow Sinema out of the water in a Democratic primary, which would take place in August 2024. But while he hasn’t ruled out a challenge, he hasn’t yet committed to one, either.

It seems everyone wants Gallego to run, but talk is cheap, so we want to put our money where our mouths are. We’re asking you to contribute to Gallego’s House campaign account so that he knows the Daily Kos community is 100% behind him. And since he can transfer any funds over to a potential Senate campaign, he’ll have the resources to hit the ground running if he decides to get in.

We’ll be honest: We don’t know if Gallego will run. But we do know he’s one of the strongest candidates we could hope for, so it’s worth doing whatever we can to encourage him to send Sinema packing.

Please donate $10 to let Ruben Gallego know we have his back and want him to run for Senate!


December 2022