Home » 2022 Lifetime Achievement Award: Ron Johnson

2022 Lifetime Achievement Award: Ron Johnson

Ron Johnson started out 2022 by seeing how many people he could shit on.

Even though he repeatedly claims to pro-life, he also made it clear that once that life is born, he just doesn’t care. He came out and said that it’s not society’s problem to raise the children to whom he forced you to give birth. And if that life reached adulthood, he or she would just have to figure out for themselves out to survive because good, family supporting jobs were way overrated. And if the person actually reached their golden years, that was no big deal. Not only was he all for the plan to cut Medicare and Social Security, he wanted to keep granny working to solve the inflation problems that he helped create.

RoJo kept it up with double-crossing judicial nominees he had endorsed, telling people that the COVID vaccine caused AIDS, cheered on the reversal of Roe v Wade, threatened same sex marriage and defended TFG’s treason and espionage by taking home top secret government documents where anyone could peruse them.

About midyear, RoJo’s house of cards started falling down around him. The January 6th Committee released the information that RoJo was the mule carrying slates of fake electors and trying to hand deliver them to then Vice-President Mike Pence. He was falling all over himself trying to cover up and minimize his role in the whole thing. He got so desperate that he tried escaping through locked doors and faking phone calls in an effort to dodge reporters.

This revelation left RoJo so shook that it started showing up in his campaigning. While debating his opponent, he wildly claimed that the FBI set him up by correctly identifying him as a Russian asset. And just days before Election Day, he was already screaming election fraud.

So how did RoJo win by one percentage point. Another sin of his past came to save his bacon from the fire. Three Wisconsin billionaires – Diane Hendricks and Dick and Elizabeth Eihlein got millions from the 2017 GOP tax scam thanks to an amendment that RoJo demanded be added to the scheme. In turn, these billionaires dumped tens of millions of dollars into a Super PAC dedicated to RoJo. In other words, they bought and paid for the seat to continue their privately owned senator in place.

RoJo, you’re a lifetime crook and liar and are so deserving of this award. May it serve as a lodestone like you are for Wisconsin.


January 2023