Home » Just 18 Senate Republicans Voted To Fund The Government And Not Crash The Economy

Just 18 Senate Republicans Voted To Fund The Government And Not Crash The Economy

Out of all of the Senate Republicans present for the vote, just 18 of them voted to fund the government and not crash the economy before Christmas.

The bill passed 68-29, and here are the 18 Senate Republicans who voted with Democrats not to destroy the economy before Christmas:

Sen. Roy Blunt (MO)
Sen. John Boozman (AR)
Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (WV)
Sen. Susan Collins (ME)
Sen. John Cornyn (TX)
Sen. Tom Cotton (AR)
Sen. Lindsey Graham (SC)
Sen. Jim Inhofe (OK)
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
Sen. Jerry Moran (KS)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (AK)
Sen. Rob Portman (OH)
Sen. Mitt Romney (UH)
Sen. Mike Rounds (SD)
Sen. Richard Shelby (AL)
Sen. John Thune (SD)
Sen. Roger Wicker (MS)
Sen. Todd Young (IN)

The names on the list are a mix of Senate institutionalists, retiring senators, and senators from seats so safe that they can vote for virtually anything, and it would not matter.

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However, this vote is why elections have consequences. Mitch McConnell would have never done a year-long government funding deal if he was about to become Majority Leader in a couple of weeks.

If Republicans had flipped the Senate, a continuing resolution would have been passed through the holidays, and Republicans would be demanding that Biden cut programs and lower taxes on the wealthy in exchange for funding the government.

Senate Republicans were eyeing cutting Social Security and Medicare while forcing Biden to make the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy permanent.

When John Fetterman flipped the Senate seat in Pennsylvania, those Republican dreams died.

The Democratic control of the Senate matters. The government funding bill is the perfect example of how eager most Republicans are to crash the economy if they ever get the chance.


December 2022