Home » Baldwin Destroys Hovde On Abortion Issue During Debate

Baldwin Destroys Hovde On Abortion Issue During Debate

On Friday evening, Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin met Eric Hovde in a debate. Overall, the debate was a massacre. Hovde came unprepared and ill-informed on almost every issue. Hovde’s entire debate strategy was to try and bully Baldwin into a Gotcha moment, even though he kept failing miserably even at that.

When the issue of abortion came up, Hovde might as well just have forfeited the evening. Hovde was left sputtering QAnon talking points about abortion after birth while Baldwin has been leading the charge to get Roe codified. The topic was brought up by reporter Allyson Fergot:

FERGOT: A Marquette Law School poll found that 61% of those polled across the country oppose the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade spurring lawmakers to want to codify or put into law the provisions of Roe. It establishes the right to an abortion but sets limits and includes some exceptions. What is your position on once again making Roe the law of the land. Senator Baldwin, you have 60 seconds, you will respond first.

BALDWIN: A woman’s rights and freedoms should not be dependent on her zip code or state. In the state of Wisconsin where we have a criminal abortion ban that was passed in the year 1849, we have services that are accessible in three out of the 72 counties. That means 69 counties there is no access. and harrowing things are happening to women in the state. I have talked to women who face the risk of sepsis and near death before they get the services they needed. We — that’s why I’m proud to lead the women’s health protection act which would restore roe nationwide. My opponent said he is 100% opposed to abortion rights. I’m trying to lead the way to restore roe so that we don’t see prosecution of women who have miscarried, and women are dying because of the current situation.


HOVDE: Wow, look it has been brought back to the state. We, as a state, should resolve this in a common sense and compassionate approach. I believe in the beauty of life. I had two daughters and three grandchildren. I agree with exceptions for rape and incest and women should have a right to decide early on in the pregnancy. Senator Baldwin, you have passed or pushed to allow abortions to happen up to the point of delivery where a healthy baby can be born alive and be terminated. To me that’s unconscionable. You are shaking your head, what month would you stop? The 8th month? The 9th? You run the ads saying I’m against — for a national abortion ban. I’m not for a national abortion ban. I never have been. When she talks about my comment from 14 years ago, My daughters were young and grew up.

MODERATOR: Your time is up on the question. Your time is up. I will exercise the moderator’s option to redirect you to the question which is specifically about the recodifying of the affordable care act — of roe. and information about that is on our data page. I will ask you to respond to that question about the recodification making it the law of the land. You will get 30 seconds to respond, Senator Baldwin.

HOVDE: I said it has come back to the state and we, as a state, should resolve the issue with a referendum where everyone gets a right to vote. The voters get a right. I get a right. I clarified where my position is. and that is, I believe that women should have a right to choose early on in their pregnancy but there come as point in time where a baby can be born healthy add alive, that’s unconscionable to terminate the child’s life.


BALDWIN: Eric Hovde, that does not happen in America. And it is clear that he has never read Roe v. Wade. I’m pushing to have that be the law of the land. The rights and freedoms should not depend on the zip code and the state where you live. What he said does not happen in America. Let me tell you what is. There are health care providers facing the threat of prosecution and states with six-week bans. states with no exceptions for rape and incest.

Narrator’s voice: There are indeed audio clips of Hovde saying he is totally opposed to abortion. He lied when he said that he was never for a complete abortion ban.

Furthermore, a woman’s health care decision is not a community issue. It is a personal issue. A very personal issue. And the rest of us need to keep our noses out of it.

I would also just point out that Hovde’s arrogance and condescending attitude is very off-putting. It was obvious that he was outdone by Baldwin, especially on this issue. His misogyny only served to drive that point home.


October 2024