Home » Tim Walz: Ever See Trump ‘Laugh?’

Tim Walz: Ever See Trump ‘Laugh?’

Governor Tim Walz responded to Jake Tapper’s question and made an astute observation about the humorous traitor all at the same time.

The juvenile attack lines against Kamala Harris have focused on her laugh and Walz just turned it on its head.

TAPPER: So you’ve gotten some attention this week for calling Trump and Vance and Republicans in general weird.

And I think that you’re the one that set this tone. And there’s this shift. The Harris campaign seems to be following your lead, echoing this language.

Why do you think weird is a more effective attack line against Trump than what Democrats have been done previously, which is argue that he’s an existential threat to democracy?

WALZ: And it’s an observation on this. And I, you know, being a school teacher, I see a lot of things.

But my point on this was, is people kept talking about, look, Donald Trump is going to put women’s lives at risk.

That’s 100 percent true.

Donald Trump is potentially going to end constitutional liberties that we have in voting. I do believe all those things are a real possibility, but it gives him way too much power.

Listen to the guy.

He’s talking about Hannibal Lector and shocking sharks and just whatever crazy thing pops into his mind.

And I thought we just give him way too much credit.

And I think one of the things is, is when you just ratchet down some of the, you know, the scariness or whatever and just name it what it is.

I got to tell you, my observation on this is, have you ever seen the guy laugh?

That seems very weird to me that that an adult can go through six and a half years of being in the public eye. If he has laughed, it’s at someone, not with someone that that is weird behavior.

And I, I don’t think you call it anything else.

It is simply what we’re observing.

Observation, indeed.

Governor Tim Walz would make an excellent VP candidate,
