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Rick Santorum Blames Democracy For Why GOP Keeps Losing

Big pouty face for Rick Santorum last night on Newsmax as the results came in for Ohio. Abortion was enshrined in the state constitution and marijuana was legalized in not close votes. Santorum called these issues “sexy things” that drove youth turnout. That made Santorum sad.

Source: Mediaite

Former Pennsylvania Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum claimed on Tuesday that Ohio’s decision to legalize marijuana and enshrine abortion in the state constitution was proof that “pure democracies are not the way to run a country.”

During an appearance on Newsmax, Santorum said, “Remember these elections, off-year elections, odd number elections are very low turnout elections. They are base elections and the Democrats have traditionally, number one, outspent us, not just on odd number year elections, but generally speaking.”


JENN PELLEGRINO (HOST): So we’re looking at, obviously, the issues of abortion and marijuana in the state of Ohio. Now, 50% — over 50% of the country has legalized marijuana. Senator, you know, you look at these issues that are driving the left out to vote – you would think the economy, crime, illegal immigration, those would be some of the issues driving people out if — when you look at so many who are unsatisfied with the direction the country is headed in. But, apparently, that’s not it.

RICK SANTORUM (NEWSMAX CONTRIBUTOR): Remember these elections, off-year election, odd-number elections are very low turnout elections. They are base elections. And the Democrats have traditionally, number one, outspent us not just an odd number year elections, but generally speaking, number one. And number two, their base is more ginned up to go out and vote, generally, than Republicans. We’ve seen this now for the last several years. And so, a base election, they — Democrats outspend. And you put very sexy things like abortion and marijuana on the ballot, and a lot of young people come out and vote — it was a secret sauce for disaster in Ohio. I don’t know what they were thinking. But that’s why I thank goodness that most of the states in this country don’t allow you to put everything on the ballot because pure democracies are not the way to run a country.


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