Home » John Fetterman Congratulates Pennsylvania Democrats On Sweeping Judicial Races

John Fetterman Congratulates Pennsylvania Democrats On Sweeping Judicial Races

Pennsylvania Democrats won every single statewide judicial race. This fact didn’t escape Sen. John Fetterman, who said, “Democrats are in array.”

According to a statement provided to PoliticusUSA by Sen. Fetterman’s office:

I want to congratulate Philadelphia’s next mayor, Cherelle Parker; the next Allegheny County Executive, Sara Innamorato; judges Dan McCaffery, Jill Beck, Timika Lane, and Matt Wolf; Philadelphia WFP city council candidates Kendra Brooks and Nic O’Rourke; and Democrats across PA on their historic wins last night. 

Despite all the bed-wetting, Democrats are in array. We went hard and won, and a year from now, we’re going to do the same to deliver PA for Joe Biden and re-elect Bob Casey. 

I was proud to support and help get out the vote for these and many other Democrats across the political spectrum. We don’t have to agree on every issue – when Democrats are united and focused on beating the Republicans, we win. 

Last night showed that standing up for abortion rights wins everywhere, and using school boards to go after trans kids isn’t just a moral failure – it’s also a political loser.  

And finally, congrats to Ohio on passing legal weed. Your move, Pennsylvania.

The media continues to claim that Democrats are in disarray, and they point to polls to make their case, but election day rolls around, Democrats show up at the polls, and they keep winning.

At some point, the media needs to realize that it isn’t Democrats who are in disarray, but it is the Republican Party that is being led by a chaos monger who is facing 91 felony counts that is broken.

Sen; Fetterman was right. Democrats in Pennsylvania are unified and focused on winning, which is bad news for Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell who have both made Pennsylvania key to their hopes in the 2024 election.

Democrats can’t take anything for granted, but as long as they block out the noise and keep showing up to vote, they will win elections.


November 2023