Home » Trump Is Melting Down Over Possibly Being Indicted In Georgia

Trump Is Melting Down Over Possibly Being Indicted In Georgia

Donald Trump seems to be up day and night ranting about his newest obsession. His possible indictment for violating Georgia election law.

Trump’s page on Truth Social is filled with attacks on the Special Grand Jury foreperson and one middle-of-the-night rant, “Just to make every one of those people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome feel better, it doesn’t really matter that the jury foreperson went on a Media rampage, thereby badly tainting the case and making it impossible to bring, because I did absolutely NOTHING WRONG! Two perfect phone calls on Election Integrity, that’s it! The D.A. should go after the murderers and other violent criminals in Atlanta, one of the most dangerous cities in the World, and leave honest people alone!”

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I am sure the DA will leave honest people alone, which is why Fani Willis is looking to indict Trump and his pals, but what they potentially did was the opposite of honest.
The judge presiding over the Special Grand Jury said that the foreperson broke no rules with her comments to the media, so nothing was tainted or harmed, but the failed former president’s comments suggest that he is going to try to get any potential indictment quashed based on her comments.

Trump is in full meltdown mode because he has finally realized that he might actually get indicted in Georgia.

A criminal indictment has always been Trump’s biggest fear, and it looks closer than ever to finally becoming a reality.

Donald Trump understands this which is why he is up in the middle of the night both saying that he did nothing wrong and trying to discredit the case against him.


February 2023