Home » Stupid Republican Decries Interstate Travel For Women Because Abortion

Stupid Republican Decries Interstate Travel For Women Because Abortion

It hasn’t even been a month since the federal government announced that pharmacies would be permitted to dispense so-called abortion pills (mifepristone and misoprostol) under a rules change from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Republican leaders in several conservative states seem to be freaking out. Without even trying to hide it, GOP officials are looking to ban abortion completely.

As many predicted, the overturn of Roe v. Wade was only the beginning. From threatening individuals who seek abortion pills to introducing bills aiming to defund Planned Parenthood, Republican legislators are doing whatever they can to restrict reproductive rights.

But of course, the intention isn’t just to ban abortion in their respective states: Some lawmakers are even angry that those seeking abortions have the ability to travel beyond state lines.

On The Pat Miller show, Indiana Rep. Jim Banks expressed his anti-abortion views, noting that he doesn’t believe one should be able to seek care in other states.

His comments follow several clinics nationwide moving across state lines in order to stay open and provide services, in addition to patients having to travel hundreds of miles for essential care following the end of Roe. In one case, a child from Ohio had to travel to Indiana (where abortion remained legal after six weeks) in order to abort a pregnancy that resulted from a rape.

Despite these and other horrific stories, Republicans don’t care. Under the guise of “protecting the unborn,” they continue to promote inhumane policies that make reproductive health care inaccessible.

Banks may not be a well-known name, but he is certainly trying to be. He made headlines last week for announcing his campaign for the Senate seat held by GOP Sen. Mike Braun, who decided against running for reelection in 2024 and will run for Indiana governor instead, NBC News reported.

The Trump-supporting candidate isn’t just anti-abortion; his overall views are pretty far-right.

His campaign promises include increasing border security, imposing trade measures on China, and stopping transgender girls from competing in sports, and banning critical race theory.

“Radical, socialist Democrats are trying to change America, but I won’t let them,” Banks said in a video announcing his campaign. “I’ve been on the front lines fighting for America first policies in Congress. ”

“Indiana deserves a conservative fighter in the United States Senate, but the radical Democrats and the spineless Republicans are going to do everything they can to stop me,” he said.

According to reproductive health think tank the Guttmacher Institute, at least 26 states are “certain or likely” to ban or limit abortion due to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, while 16 states have laws that protect the right to abortion. This link shows how far patients in each state have to drive in order to access reproductive care.

Republished with permission from Daily Kos.


January 2023