Home » Right Wingers Call Bishop Budde ‘Satan’ For Asking Trump For Compassion

Right Wingers Call Bishop Budde ‘Satan’ For Asking Trump For Compassion

Editor’s Note: Bishop Budde’s book on courage is climbing the charts rapidly. Ha!

Fox News hosts and the entire right-wing MAGA media complex are triggered!

To a person, they all unmercifully attacked Bishop Budde for asking the newly-elected president to show compassion to those less fortunate, particularly, migrants and the LGBTQ-plus community.

Their reaction is not surprising, but it doesn’t change the fact the MAGA cult is a dangerous fascist group.

Free speech for me, none for you.

Bishop Budde is not allowed to express any views that reflect either her personal faith or her position in the church, unless they support traitor Trump and his utterly disgraceful immorality.

Laura Ingrahm’s guest, crackpot Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, described Bishop Budde as a “cleric” who was no longer worthy to teach about Jesus.

SEWELL: It was she was so arrogant the way she was.

She didn’t even acknowledge the president of the United States of America.

She had an opportunity to minister the gospel.

Instead of that, she is a heretic.

She should never be allowed to preach the message of Jesus in her life because she’s not even talking about Jesus.

INGRAHAM: This is why no one’s going to these. Yeah, this is why these denominations are dying, sadly.

Asking for mercy is a tenant of Christianity. Defending the weak is a tenant of Christianity.

No longer.

Asshat Greg Gutfeld did his idiotic thing too:

GUTFELD: On the bright side, I have to say she didn’t call him Hitler, which is good. But who knew Satan wore granny glasses and stole his haircut from John Denver? Just because you are spiritual, Harold — and you are — doesn’t make you smart, holy, or even good.

MAGA will attack anyone not in line with the gospel, according to Demented Donald.

This is fascism.

Here is Bishop Budde asking Trump for mercy and compassion.

To Republicans? She must be excommunicated.
