Home » Scott Jennings GETS ROASTED On LIVE TV!


Scott Jennings on CNN is like a soggy piece of wonder bread that was left outside at Trump’s inauguration. The man couldn’t argue his way out of a parking ticket, yet there he is on CNN day-after-day spewing half-truths and full lies like they’re 30% off at MAGA mart. On a recent segment, Jennings just flailed as reporters, Democrats, the hosts, probably the also cameraman, just took him apart. Watching him is like watching someone try to assemble IKEA furniture without instructions: lots of noise, no results, and everything ends up upside down.

In other words, exactly the way he helped his former boss, Moscow Mitch McConnell, assemble Senate rules. Jennings represents all that’s wrong with political punditry today: he’s not there to inform; he’s there to gaslight, deflect, and throw a tantrum when challenged. He exposes how CNN’s beclowned itself as a “news”channel.

As we show in our video, Scott Jennings is more punchline than pundit—and a bad one at that. Frankly, it’s embarrassing for CNN, and it’s exhausting for anyone with firing neurons. Watch our video and be sure to Subscribe to Cliff’s Edge for more great content like this!
