Home » Fifteen Years Later, The Problem Is Still Citizens United

Fifteen Years Later, The Problem Is Still Citizens United

As President Donald Trump triumphantly returned to the White House thanks in part to a tsunami of campaign cash from oligarchs and corporate interests, democracy defenders on Tuesday marked the 15th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that unleashed such spending by urging action to overturn the decision.

In a nation where corporations and moneyed interests already wielded disproportionate power and influence over elections, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission reversed campaign finance restrictions dating back to the era of Gilded Age robber barons. The ruling affirmed that political spending by corporations, nonprofit organizations, labor unions, and other groups is a form of free speech protected by the 1st Amendment that government cannot restrict. The decision ushered in the era of super PACs—which can raise unlimited amounts of money to spend on campaigns—and secret spending on elections with so-called “dark money.”

In his Citizens United dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens asserted that “in a functioning democracy the public must have faith that its representatives owe their positions to the people, not to the corporations with the deepest pockets,” and warned that the ruling “will undoubtedly cripple the ability of ordinary citizens, Congress, and the states to adopt even limited measures to protect against corporate domination of the electoral process.”

Since then, nearly $20 billion has been spent on U.S. presidential elections and more than $53 billion on congressional races, according to data compiled by OpenSecrets. Spending on 2024 congressional races was double 2010 levels, while presidential campaign contributions were more than 50% higher in 2024 than in 2008, the last election before Citizens United.

Ultrawealthy megadonors played a critical role in Trump’s 2024 victory. Some of them have been rewarded with Cabinet nominations and key appointments in “an administration dominated by billionaires and corporate interests,” as Americans for Tax Fairness executive director David Kass described it.

“Fifteen years ago today, the Supreme Court gave billionaires and special interests unprecedented power to rig our democracy with its disastrous Citizens United decision. Yesterday, Donald Trump was sworn in, ushering in the wealthiest administration in American history,” Tiffany Muller, president of the advocacy group End Citizens United, said on social media Tuesday. “Citizens United paved the way for Trump II.”

Alexandra Rojas, executive director of the progressive political action committee Justice Democrats, said in a statement that “over the last 15 years, the American people have watched with disgust as both parties welcomed the unfettered sale of our democracy and elections to the highest bidders.”

Citizens United legalized economic inequality as a political tool for the wealthy to exploit,” Rojas added. “A decade-and-a-half later, working-class people cannot afford to run for office and everyday voters’ voices are drowned out by billionaire-funded super PACs. As long as Citizens United remains the law of the land, our democracy will remain broken.”

Justice Democrats noted: “Yesterday, Donald Trump was inaugurated as president in what was maybe one of the most
openly corporate-sponsored inaugurations in American history. In just one row seated in front of Trump’s Cabinet members, four men had the combined wealth of just under $1 trillion.”

“Billionaires and corporations are paying their way to gain influence in the Trump administration and they can expect a massive return on their investment, at the expense of everyday people,” the group added.

It’s no surprise, say critics, that corporate profits and plutocrat wealth have soared to new heights during the Citizens United era.

Citizens United allowed corporations to buy candidates and elections. Citizens United legalized political bribery. Citizens United let wealth dominate our elections,” the consumer watchdog Public Citizen said Tuesday. “Overturn Citizens United.”

Positing that “Citizens United turned our democracy into an auction,” Congressman Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) wrote on social media Tuesday that “our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, and for the people—not corporations and billionaire elites. We must #EndCitizensUnited and put the American people back in charge.”

Democratic lawmakers have introduced numerous bills, including proposed constitutional amendments, to reverse Citizens United. While Congress has not been able or willing to address the issue, 22 states and the District of Columbia, as well as more than 800 local governments across the country, have passed measures calling for a constitutional amendment to overturn the ruling, according to Public Citizen.

“This is a moment to usher in a new era in the Democratic Party that rejects the growing oligarchy in this country by rejecting the unprecedented level of billionaire and corporate spending that has a stranglehold over both parties,” Justice Democrats said on Tuesday. “Now is the moment to tirelessly center working people and expose the big money corruption that Citizens United has brought onto both parties. By rejecting their influence, working-class people may finally have the promise of a party that actually serves them.”

Republished from Common Dreams under Creative Commons (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0).
