Home » Gavin Newsom Smacks Trump For Politicizing LA Fires

Gavin Newsom Smacks Trump For Politicizing LA Fires

In his close race with President-unelect Elon Musk to be the worst person in the world, Donald Trump inched ahead with his childish attacks on California Gov. Gavin Newsom, complete with adolescent name-calling, in the middle of catastrophic fires in Los Angeles.

Our own John Amato lost his home and almost everything in it. He had some well-deserved choice words for Trump, aka the “demented twit.” It’s not just that Trump rubbed “hot embers in the eyes of every Californian instead of offering help,” but he got his facts wrong about the fire while he was at it.

Gov. Gavin Newsom was more temperate but he made his point loud and clear. CNN’s Anderson Cooper claimed, “I hate to even ask this question” (yeah, right) before prodding Newsom for a response to Trump’s attacks.

NEWSOM: One can’t even respond to it. People are literally fleeing. People have lost their lives. Kids lost their schools. Families completely torn asunder. Churches burned down. This guy wanted to politicize it.

I have a lot of thoughts and I know what I want to say. I won’t.

I stood next to the president of the United States of America today, and I was proud to be with Joe Biden, and he had the backs of every single person. This community didn’t play politics, didn’t try to divide any of us.

Nothing reveals what an incompetent, unfit POS Musk-Puppet Donald Trump is more than his deliberate attacks on a suffering American city in the middle of almost incomprehensible tragedy. He’s an American disgrace before he even raises his hand and pretends again that he’ll protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.
