Home » RFK Jr. May Drop Out And Support Trump — And People Have Thoughts

RFK Jr. May Drop Out And Support Trump — And People Have Thoughts

Independent presidential candidate (and confirmed bear carcass hider) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is reportedly considering ending his campaign and says he will speak Friday about “his path forward.”

Observers are now predicting RFK Jr. will drop out in order to endorse Donald Trump, a possibility hinted at on Tuesday by Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan.

Only 3% of voters now support Kennedy, according to an Economist/YouGov poll out Tuesday. But if the vaccine skeptic’s backers follow him to Trump, that could give the beleaguered GOP candidate a shot in the arm and help him close the margin of victory.

Earlier, Kennedy had reportedly reached out to both the Trump and Harris campaigns hoping to work out a deal where he would offer his endorsement in exchange for a cabinet position.

The Harris campaign never responded to Kennedy’s outreach, but Trump did, based on a recording of his call with Kennedy leaked last month.

Now Kennedy is scheduled to give a speech in Phoenix on Friday, shortly before Trump holds a rally in nearby Glendale, Ariz. Kennedy’s spokesperson declined to tell the Associated Press whether Kennedy has decided to drop out or why he’s set to speak in Arizona.

Some commenters online liked the idea of him joining the Trump team, and wondered about what role he might play in a Trump administration.

If RFK Jr decides to drop out and support the GOP ticket, Trump should drop Vance and offer Nicole Shanahan to be VP on the ticket and offer RFK a cabinet job along with Elon

— Timo Vainionpää📶 (@TimoVainionpaa) August 21, 2024



— Marjorie Taylor Greene Press Release (Parody) (@MTGrepp) August 21, 2024

I hope you’re bowing out and endorsing Trump against the Kamala regime that wants to destroy America. You’d be a hero. https://t.co/8ZMWZDI7kp

— Jenna Ellis (@realJennaEllis) August 21, 2024

Others were more skeptical.

The only reason I was voting RFK Jr is because I will not vote for Trump. He still intends to repeat all his worst first term action items. They were perfect after all.

— Marine Veteran 1st Gulf War (@USMarineVet1969) August 21, 2024

1. A large amount of Kennedy’s base would never support Trump. You can see here the demographic that appeals to Kennedy. Republican is just barely higher than Democrat. pic.twitter.com/qEZKnJZQh9

— VoteRFKJr (@VoteRFKJr) August 21, 2024

He has to make the best decision he can make, but, I don’t want him to drop out, and I don’t want to vote for Trump. I want to vote for someone other than Harris and Trump, and RFK JR fit the bill for me. A lot for me to consider.

— Chuck@ComicList (@ComicList) August 21, 2024

Some just engaged in mockery.

I don’t see the value of including RFK, Jr. in a Conservative administration! He has a really questionable background that doesn’t sound like he could be very good for any kind of service. Nice man but I would veto his appointment to any post. https://t.co/LjeRU934xS

— Jim Jennings (@jjenningsUSA) August 21, 2024

Finally dropping your summertime playlist. Thank you.

— Kristi Yamaguccimane (@TheWapplehouse) August 21, 2024

What an embarrassment for the Kennedy family.

RFK Jr. expected to drop out of race by end of week, plans to endorse Trump: Sources – ABC News via @ABChttps://t.co/w5yqVJbtOR

— Richard W. Painter (@RWPUSA) August 21, 2024

Should we scrape RKF Jr’s campaign off the side of the road and take it home, skin it, and eat it, or should we drop it off in Central Park and pretend a bike killed it?

— Rachel Bitecofer 🗽🦆🌴🥥🇺🇸 (@RachelBitecofer) August 21, 2024

We can add RFK Jr to the list of other august Trump endorsers like Putin, Nick Fuentes, Laura Loomer, Xi, Matt Gaetz, Kim Jong Un, Roseanne Barr, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Ted Nugent, Mike Flynn, Lauren Boebert, and Roger Stone. pic.twitter.com/79QJzYsi38

— Stephen Simpson ProperGander (@BamaStephen) August 21, 2024

Rumor: RFK Jr is dropping out Friday and endorsing Trump. IF TRUE (1) Kennedy is barely relevant, at 5% & falling. (2) He can’t transfer much support, esp. to Trump. His backers will splinter. (3) RFK Jr makes Trump-Vance ticket even weirder.

— Larry Sabato (@LarrySabato) August 21, 2024


August 2024