Home » Carpetbanker Hovde Blames Baldwin For His Mistakes

Carpetbanker Hovde Blames Baldwin For His Mistakes

Eric Hovde, the carpetbanker from California who wants to be a senator for Wisconsin, is still not able to make any traction. That’s because he’s too busy trying to defend his self-inflicted shots to the foot. Now he’s taking another big wad of his personal wealth to run a commercial in which he blames Senator Tammy Baldwin for his many unforced errors:

We’ve all seen these ads by Senator Baldwin attacking me. She’s lying to you, but that’s what career politicians do when they get in trouble. The truth is, I was born and live in Wisconsin. I’ve never run a nursing home, and of course I believe seniors should vote. The false attacks are going to keep coming because she has nothing to run on. Her record has failed us on inflation, the border, and crime. I’m Eric Hovde, I approve this message for this reason. It’s time for change.

Hovde has been struggling with the residency issue since he even officially entered the race. His denial of living in California where he owns a $7 million mansion so that he could be closer to his California bank has been the subject of a lot of his commercials. Of course, he might be more convincing if he didn’t keep running back to California to work on his tan on the beach while talking business with his top bank executives.

He also claims to have never run a nursing home, which could be technically true, which is why he is being sued for wrongful death at the nursing home he owns.

And as for Hovde’s feelings on whether senior citizens should vote, well, there are receipts.

With the elections this close, and Hovde continuing to lose ground in the polls, Hovde is showing some serious fiscal irresponsibility by continuing to throw millions of dollars at this race. He’d be smarter off going back to California, and work on his tan and his concession speech, so that he can phone that in after the election, just like he’s done with his campaign.
