Home » ICYMI: Congressional Republicans meet with a felon, and Nevada GOP picks a Texas radical for Senate

ICYMI: Congressional Republicans meet with a felon, and Nevada GOP picks a Texas radical for Senate

What Trump wants most is the one thing he can never get back

And it’s not his dignity.

Republicans say they support IVF—until they need to prove it

No matter what Republicans say, the opposite is usually true.

GOP picks anti-abortion extremist from Texas for Nevada Senate race

Republicans sure know how to pick ’em!

Cartoon: Judges are like umpires

We didn’t make the rules.

Trump favorite Laura Loomer finds new bottom—and then sinks even lower 

She called Biden a cheater and “demented.” Perhaps she’s thinking about someone else.

Sarah McBride is now almost certain to become America’s first trans member of Congress 

She’s about to make history.

Republicans block Senate bill to hold Supreme Court accountable 

Because why should the justices have to be bound by any ethics at all?

Hunter Biden’s conviction could turn Republicans against each other 

As if they need more reasons to fight.

Watch: Side-by-side GOP reactions to Trump and Hunter Biden convictions 

It’s like high-definition hypocrisy.

Voters know both Biden and Trump are old. Time for the media to cover acuity 

One guy is making positive changes to this country, while the other is talking about whether he’d fight a shark.

Trumpers want mandatory military service so Americans have ‘skin in the game’ 

Even Trump was smart enough to run away from this awful idea. 

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June 2024