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Erase Eye Bags Instantly With This Lymphatic Drainage-Boosting Massager

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After working in front of a computer for eight or more hours every day, my eye bags look more like checked suitcases than they do bags. While my grandma used cucumber slices to reduce eye swelling, I wanted something a little more effective and modern to combat my undereye obstacles. It was time for a foray into uncharted waters—beauty tech. After doing some research, I discovered the Swedish brand Foreo, which has garnered a cult following with its innovative skincare and wellness devices.

The brand’s Foreo Iris 2 is touted as a mechanical version of an Asian finger-tapping eye massage, helping to boost lymphatic drainage to expel excess fluid and kickstart circulation in the orbital area. It claims to increase circulation to invigorate skin, diminish dark circles, and minimize eye bags, which are all issues I wanted to address without going to the derm, if possible. I decided to give the Iris massager a shot.

When it arrived, I wasn’t sure what I was looking at—was it a sex toy? Or maybe a laser gun? Rest assured, this handheld massager is neither of the two and is specifically designed to work gently on your entire eye region. It’s made from BPA-free, hygienic silicone and uses T-sonic technology to emit gentle pulsations.

Foreo IRIS 2 Eye Massager

Even if the Iris 2 Eye Massager didn’t offer beauty benefits, I would still use it because it feels amazing and seems to help with sinus pressure, too. Plus, unlike some beauty devices, you only need to use it for a minute once or twice daily to reap the benefits, which is great for those of us who are busy or, like me, have commitment issues. Even with my commitment issues, that’s been manageable. Plus, it helps your eye creams and serums absorb better, making them more effective.

Before I started seeing pretty compelling improvement in my eye bags and undereye pigmentation, I was skeptical about whether or not the Iris would work since it’s so easy to use and requires so little time. I’ve since learned that because the device harnesses lymphatic drainage massage techniques, the tiny but mighty massager stimulates targeted areas in the orbital region to help the lymph drain fluids yet stays gentle enough not to irritate the eyes.

Sometimes, in the peak of allergy season (which somehow seems to be year-round for me!), I even use it a little further below my eyes to relieve sinus pressure. It’s been a game-changer for instant relief. What surprised me the most was that my hooded eyelids started to look taut, and the skin around my eyes looked firmer and more lifted after just three days of daily use. The effects are cumulative and get better the longer I use it, but I do love how you get instant results as well.

Foreo is known for its game-changing microcurrent devices, like the Bear and Luna, which are super effective at gently stimulating facial muscles to help lift sagging areas and freshen the complexion, so it shouldn’t have been a surprise that this affordable massager worked like magic. Whether you’re looking for a non-invasive way to improve puffiness, eye bags, dark circles, or even sinus press relief (an off-label benefit, to be sure), I couldn’t recommend Foreo’s Iris Massager enough.



June 2024