Home » ‘The Daily Show’ takes on Kristi Noem’s puppy problem and RFK Jr.’s brain worm

‘The Daily Show’ takes on Kristi Noem’s puppy problem and RFK Jr.’s brain worm

Jordan Klepper’s Wednesday stint hosting “The Daily Show” began with a roundup of the past week’s big political news: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem shooting a puppy and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s brain worm

First up was Noem and the revelation in her memoir that she killed her 14-month-old hunting dog Cricket on purpose.

Klepper threw to a supercut of right-wing media outlets giving the former VP front-runner a hard time about her heartless act. 

“I will say, the past few years I have been wondering how far is too far for the right-wing MAGA crowd,” Klepper said. “And now we know that shooting your dog in a gravel pit: That is not acceptable.”

“Until Trump does it,” Klepper added. “Then every Republican has to shoot their dog just to stay in the party.”

But not everyone was giving Noem a hard time, as proven by a clip of Newsmax host and Kermit the Frog hater Eric Bolling suggesting Noem’s editor might be “a plant. A liberal plant.”

“A liberal plant editor, Eric? She wrote the book! She wrote it!” Klepper exclaimed. “You could tell conservatives don’t really believe any of their conspiracy bullshit by how casually they try to fit one into any scandal. ‘Just say your editor was a liberal plant, Kristi. Maybe your dog was trying to rig the election? Maybe your dog was DEI, is that something?'”

But the animal murder wasn’t the only humiliation unleashed by Noem’s memoir. 

“There’s also a story about when she met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, when she wrote, ‘I remember when I met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.’ Except she had to take that story out because she never actually met with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un,” Klepper explained, throwing to a clip of the South Dakota governor snippily trying to evade a question about that lie during a Newsmax show

Noem: Did you want to talk about something else today?

Klepper: For God sakes, can we talk about something else? I shot a dog once. Did you hear about that?

Klepper admitted that this story has had a long tail in the news cycle, but argued he couldn’t imagine a political story “crazy enough to push” the Noem story off the front page. Cut to a report on Kennedy Jr.’s brain worm

“I don’t know what’s worse—that RFK Jr. had a worm that was eating his brain or that his brain is so poisoned it killed the worm,” Klepper joked.

“The story actually came out because The New York Times found a 2012 deposition from Kennedy’s divorce in which he argued that his earning power had diminished because, ‘I have cognitive problems, clearly.’” Klepper said. “So I guess his argument now is, ‘No, no, the worm didn’t eat the president part of my brain, just the part that has to give my ex-wife money.'”


Navigator collects, analyzes, and distributes real data on progressive messaging. The Hub Project’s Bryan Bennett and Gabriela Parra talk with Kerry about what they are seeing in their research this election cycle, and which messaging can help progressive candidates win elections in 2024—and beyond.

Navigator collects, analyzes, and distributes real data on progressive messaging. The Hub Project’s Bryan Bennett and Gabriela Parra talk with Kerry about what they are seeing in their research this election cycle, and which messaging can help progressive candidates win elections in 2024—and beyond.

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