Home » ‘Freezing’ Trump Lies About His Both Sides Charlottesville Comments

‘Freezing’ Trump Lies About His Both Sides Charlottesville Comments

Donald Trump spoke to the media before his court trial by claiming he never defended Neo-Nazis at his infamous “good people on both sides” presser.

The Neo Nazi rally in Charlottesville in 2017 left Heather Heyer dead. Trump said there were good people on both sides.

[Biden] said he ran because of Charlottesville. Well, if the people that know Charlottesville, when you extend the statement, it’s a big hoax what they say was said. And they understand that. And Charlottesville is peanuts compared to what you’re looking at now.

One has to be a sociopath of the highest order to lie like that. A few minutes later, Traitor Trump whined about the freezing courtroom.

So I’m going to go into this trial. I’m going to sit in a freezing cold ice box for Eight hours, nine hours or so, they took me off the case.

Here’s a hint ole’ diminished one, you can dress accordingly if you are cold.

Whiners gotta whine, and liars gotta lie.

Here’s the video of Trump defending white supremacists.

You said what you said, Donald.
