Home » A Well-Deserved Resolution To Censure Elise Stefanik

A Well-Deserved Resolution To Censure Elise Stefanik

On Wednesday Rep. Dan Goldman introduced a resolution to censure Rep. Elise Stefanik for her defense of the January 6th insurrectionists and for calling those criminals “hostages.”

From Rep. Goldman’s office:

Congresswoman Stefanik Has Continuously Provided Support to Perpetrators of the January 6thAttack on the U.S. Capitol

Earlier This Month, Congresswoman Stefanik Referred to Duly Convicted January 6th Insurrectionists as “Hostages”

Read the Resolution Here

Washington, DC – Congressman Dan Goldman (NY-10) will today introduce a resolution to censure Congresswoman Elise Stefanik for conduct unbecoming of a member of Congress, including her consistent support of insurrectionists who attacked the United States Capitol on January 6th 2021.

On January 7th 2024, just one day after the third anniversary of the January 6th insurrection, Congresswoman Stefanik referred to the duly convicted insurrectionists as ‘hostages.’ This latest statement follows a pattern of Congresswoman Stefanik providing support, aid, and comfort to the those convicted of the January 6th attack, including referring to their prosecution as ‘weaponization of the federal government,’ calling the work of the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack a ‘witch hunt,’ and consistently spreading conspiracy theories related to Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 Presidential election.

“January 6th was the gravest attack on American democracy since the Civil War and Congresswoman Stefanik’s persistent and continued support for the perpetrators of an insurrection is contemptuous,” Congressman Dan Goldman said. “In putting her personal ambitions over her integrity, Congresswoman Stefanik has been Donald Trump’s biggest congressional cheerleader, even though our mutual home state of New York overwhelmingly opposes him. By echoing Trump’s reference to the criminally convicted January 6 insurrectionists as ‘hostages,’ Congresswoman Stefanik both demeans the actual hostages currently held in captivity in Gaza and provides support for those who attacked the Capitol to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, caused the death of five law enforcement officers, injured more than 100 others, and threatened violence against members of Congress and their staffs. Her rhetoric betrays her oath of office and the House of Representatives and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.”

On January 6, 2021, at the direction of former president Donald Trump, armed insurrectionists launched an attack on the United States Capitol, intending to stop the certification of the 2020 Presidential election and overturn the will of the voters. Over 170 law enforcement officers were injured defending the Capitol and in the following months five law enforcement officers who responded to the attack died by suicide. Over 1,200 people have been charged with breaking the law during this violent attack.

Since the attack, Congresswoman Stefanik has continued to support the January 6th insurrectionists by filing bogus and vindictive ethics complaints against a federal judge overseeing various criminal cases involving January 6th insurrectionists, falsely referring to Special Counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of Donald Trump as “attempts to criminalize the First Amendment,” and peddling conspiracy theories related to the ‘Big Lie’ that helped incite the January 6 insurrection.

Here’s more from Axios:

Rep. Dan Goldman (D-N.Y.) on Wednesday unveiled a resolution to censure House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) for her defenses of Jan. 6 riot defendants and former President Trump. […]

What he’s saying: Goldman told reporters his current plan is not to introduce what is known as a “privileged” motion, which would force a vote on the measure within two legislative days.

  • Republican leadership is highly unlikely to allow a vote on the measure unless Goldman forces it to a vote.
  • “Our hope is that there are other Republicans, especially those in New York, where both Ms. Stefanik and I come from, who recognize this rhetoric is unacceptable and … will bring it up on their own,” he said.
  • If those New York Republicans don’t join the effort, he said, “we are prepared to consider moving forward with a privileged resolution.”

Stefanik has shown she’s willing to sell her soul to be on the short list for Trump’s potential VP pick. Whether he’s actually considering her or not, who knows.


January 2024