Home » Vos: Impeachment Threat To Protasiewicz Is Off Again For Now

Vos: Impeachment Threat To Protasiewicz Is Off Again For Now

Even before the newly elected Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz could hear her first case, Speaker Robin Vos was playing syndicate boss and threatening to impeach her if she did not recuse herself from hearing a case on redistricting.

When the ethics panel said that there was no basis for impeachment, he said he wasn’t going to pursue it. But at the same time, he went to three former supreme court justices and asked them to study the possibility of impeachment. When they came back and said that he couldn’t do that, he again denied wanting to impeach her. But then he turned around yet again and threatened to impeach her if she didn’t rule the way he wanted her to do.

Which leads us to this past Sunday, when he was interviewed in UpFront about it. He again denied that he said what he said multiple times and in multiple ways before blaming the Democrats for all of it:

First of all, I really believe it is not something that occurs on a very regular basis. If you remember, the question was will you impeach and I said that we can’t take it off the table. The Democrats then made a decision to run with it to be able to fundraise off of it because they are so cynical. Everything they do is about raising money and use it to mischaracterize the positions of the Republicans. I never said that we were going to impeach.

The most amazing thing about this is that Vos managed to say it with a straight face.

Now, does anyone think for even one nanosecond that Vos hasn’t done the very same thing that he was projecting on the Democrats? Speaking of fundraising though, I would think that Vos would want to start focusing on his own fundraising. He’ll probably find that winning reelection this year won’t be as he as easy as it has been in the past.


January 2024