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Nikki Haley’s last stand?

In this week’s episode of The Reason Roundtable, editors Peter Suderman and Katherine Mangu-Ward welcome back Nick Gillespie, alongside special guest Christian Britschgi. The editors check in on Nikki Haley’s slight surge in the Republican primary race and then assess the Democratic Party’s growing fears about the state of Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

00:32—Nikki Haley’s campaign situation

25:23—Democratic concerns about the Biden campaign

38:19—Weekly Listener Question

40:44—Harvard President Claudine Gay resigns.

47:05—This week’s cultural recommendations

Mentioned in this podcast:

No, Nikki Haley, We Don’t Need to Turn Schools Into Airports, the Place Literally Everyone Hates,” by C.J. Ciaramella

Haley Rising,” by Liz Wolfe

Nikki Haley Opposed Boeing Subsidies at Tonight’s GOP Debate. As Governor, She Gave Boeing Millions.” by Christian Britschgi

Nikki Haley’s Crazy Plan To Require Verification on Social Media,” by Robby Soave

2024 GOP Candidates Are Competing To Restrict Immigration,” by Fiona Harrigan

Republicans Pivot to Bombing Iran in Third Debate,” by Eric Boehm

My Favorite Things (TSA Version),” by Remy, Austin Bragg, Meredith Bragg, and John Carter

Southern Nationalism,” by Charles Oliver

Blame Joe Biden and the Fed for Inflation,” by Nick Gillespie and Vernon Smith

Joe Biden’s $11 Trillion Plan To Bankrupt America,” by Nick Gillespie

Real Man of Genius: Joe Biden,” by Nick Gillespie and Dan Hayes

Blessed Are the Shitposters,” by Liz Wolfe

Does A.P. Really Think Conservatives Invented Plagiarism Accusations?” by Robby Soave

Harvard’s Affirmative Action Hire Gets the Boot,” by Liz Wolfe

Harvard President Claudine Gay Resigns After Plagiarism Scandal,” by Robby Soave

Hell Hath No Fury,” by Liz Wolfe

Andy Warhol—From A to B and Back Again,” by Nick Gillespie

Artifact: Andy Warhol’s Ironic Achievement,” by Nick Gillespie

Supreme Court: Andy Warhol’s Prince Prints Not ‘Transformative’ Enough for Fair Use,” by Joe Lancaster

Milkshake Duck meme

Send your questions to [email protected]. Be sure to include your social media handle and the correct pronunciation of your name.

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Audio production by Ian Keyser; assistant production by Hunt Beaty.

Music: “Angeline,” by The Brothers Steve


January 2024