Home » Report about the “Election Fraud” investigation done by the Republicans for 2020’s election

Report about the “Election Fraud” investigation done by the Republicans for 2020’s election

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On December 20, 2023, the Washington Post published an article showing the findings on the Republican controlled election Fraud case that many were assuming would reveal massive fraud. The expectation that had been stated by the former holder of the White House was that massive fraud had prevented him from remaining in office another four years.

It was stated at the time by every one of the states that were claimed to have been “stolen” that if any fraud existed at all, it was not enough to switch from Biden to the former office holder. Since the end of 2020, and the election, there has been constant screaming that fraud prevented the correct outcome. We have seen reports of cases of fraud, which looking at each report, there seems to have been as many Republicans that “voted for dead momma” as any other demographic. In fact in at least one “recount” they actually found MORE votes for Biden, making the win even more obvious but of course that wasn’t accepted by the MAGA cult.

Now that we have reviewed material we all likely already know, lets look at what the Washington Post’s investigation shows. Just looking at the target choices make for how to engage in this investigation, which should really include all demographics in order to tell us anything definitive, but then it was a Republican investigation and apparently they decided not to investigate any or very many possible cases of fraud. At any rate 75 percent of those investigation were African-American or Hispanic and 60 percent were Democrats. But that only starts the analysis. (oh, and only 23 percent were republicans)

Of 115 cases that were broght up for trial or hearing, 42 ended up with dismissed, acquittal, or whatever charges were thought to apply were dropped. But another point is that all the of the 73 convictions that took place, they were all in Florida, Texas and Ohio. Every case in Virginia, Georgia and Arkansas were found not guilty.

In Florida, whether there at least 20 people who tried to register and voted illegally. However, as the second link on this article spells out, those 20 people were all given registration cards and in more than one case actually told to go ahead and try to vote. The facts seem to support that the people in the field weren’t told what kept some of these people from voting. Yet, DeSantis wanted to make them pay for the lack of adequate information given out by the Secretary of State. I personally watched a video where a policeman comes to arrest a black man and repeated appologizing for doing so as the man is saying “they told me that I should be able to vote”.

In August of 2022, even the Republican State Senator Jeff Brandes indicated that in each of these persons cases, they had been told, sometimes by multiple state and local election officers, that they were ok to vote. These persons, in his opinion, should not be held accountable and sentenced as they had no desire to cheat. So, I haven’t been able to find anything later than August of 2022, but it was his opinion then that the State had not done a good enough job of expressing what the exception were to the bill, that he sponsored, that allowed some felons to vote in Florida.

Bottom line, if they ran an investigation in six states, found only 73 (115 minus 42 ended up not going anywhere) all in only three of the six states investigated, with Florida having at least 20 that were caused by state confusion on the facts of who could and who couldn’t, the remainder does not in any way close to “over-turning a stolen election”.

What would be amazing if an actual insurrection hadn’t taken place based on this mishap, is that all the fuss revealed such a tiny, tiny amount of fraud. And I am here to tell folks that I strongly suspect that were Republican who cheated. There was actually a report of one that voted for his dead mother. So, logically, take the 73 (assuming were guilty) and you have to subtract the momma’s boy vote and their assertion makes even less sense.

But we are still getting crap from the House, and some of the Senate on the Republican side with people actually suggesting that a civil war will break out if the former holder of the seat is not put back in with the 2024 election.

Democrats, pay attention and don’t let the other side pull any scams. The nation’s Democratic Republic is at stake. But, most of you already knew that, but stay aware.


January 2024