Home » 2023 Crookie Award For Creeper Of The Year: CPAC’s Matt Schlapp

2023 Crookie Award For Creeper Of The Year: CPAC’s Matt Schlapp

Back in January, we were wondering how Schlapp was going to explain accusations of groping the crotch of a male staffer for Herschel Walker’s campaign to his wife. Nothing has gotten better since then. As we discussed when this first broke, Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) chairman Matt Schlapp wasbeing accused of groping the crotch of a male staffer for Herschel Walker’s campaign while driving back from a bar.

Since then, we had the victim give an interview to NBC News, but CPAC was still standing by their man.

Christian Walker, son of Herschel, called out Schlapp over the groping accusation, and not long after that, text message corroborated the allegations against Schlapp.

Schlapp responded to the allegations, threatening to counter-sue, and as we said at the time, yeah, good luck with that pal.

The Washington Post looked into the allegations, and found there were a whole lot of other CPAC employees who found the environment there “toxic.”

And, surprise, surprise, in August, we found out there were even more allegations against Schlapp.

And CNN reported just this week that there are two more we didn’t know about.

What a guy.

For claiming to be some supposed “Christian conservative” who cares about “family values” while instead turning out just to be come closeted, perverted, right-wing, Trump-enabling, lying hypocrite, Matt Schlapp, you’ve earned our 2023 award for creeper of the year.

Here’s to hoping you wind up in a jail cell with Trump and Rudy before it’s all over.


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