Home » UPDATED: Kate Cox Flees Texas Death Panels To Get Abortion

UPDATED: Kate Cox Flees Texas Death Panels To Get Abortion

Kate Cox’s tragic situation is why the whole idea of “exceptions” to abortion bans is utter, complete, unmitigated bullshit meant to make power moves on women while striking fear in to the hearts of their doctors.

Just to review, Kate Cox is 20 weeks pregnant with a much-wanted child with a fatal chromosomal abnormality. Her doctor recommended an abortion to save her fertility and possibly her life. In order to obtain that abortion in Texas, she had to “ask” the court to allow it. The court did.

And then Ken Paxton threatened her and her doctor with jail and worse if they went through with it before the case went to the Texas Supreme Court. And like magic, the old men on the Texas Supreme Court blocked the lower court’s decision until they could hear the case, which would have placed Cox’s life in danger.

So much for exceptions, right? What the hell kind of exception is it when you have to BEG for it in a court of law so you won’t put any future pregnancies at risk? And to be clear, this isn’t something that happens once in a blue moon. Women in this country are faced with these decisions daily, and in some states they’re allowed to make a painful decision with the help of their doctors and families without Big Conservative Uterus Police blocking their way. Without death panels putting their lives in danger.

The Washington Post reports that Kate Cox has left the state of Texas to get her abortion in a state where it’s legal, and where women don’t have to prostrate themselves before a tribunal of old men to beg for the FREEDOM to make their own decisions about their own bodies.

She had no choice but to leave. As Nancy Northum, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights said, “This past week of legal limbo has been hellish for Kate. Her health is on the line. She’s been in and out of emergency rooms and she couldn’t wait any longer.”

Nor should she have had to wait, but that’s what happens when Big Conservative Uterus Police are in charge of women’s bodies. And to make matters somewhat worse, there are some counties in Texas that make it a crime to travel to get abortions. I don’t know if Kate Cox lives in one of those counties, but if she does, it’s likely she’ll have to stay out of the state indefinitely.

I try to keep my head about me when writing about this issue. But honestly, this is just too far. These people don’t give one damn about liberty, freedom, or justice. They talk a big game, but in Texas, freedom, liberty and justice for all is really just for men. My advice to any woman of childbearing age in Texas is to get the hell out.

UPDATE: Good thing she left. The Texas Supreme Court (Under His Eye) vacated the lower court’s decision.


December 2023